Working Dogs on Duty

I’m always amazed and impressed by the jobs canines can be trained to perform. When I was researching and writing An Inner Fire, I met Henny, a Lab who worked as an Accelerant Detection K9.

Many of the tasks dogs assist with are well-known because of media coverage or simply because we encounter them in every day life.

Pet Therapy Dogs

Military K9s

Search and Rescue Dogs

There are other jobs dogs help with that are less commonly known but just as important.

Airport Wildlife Control – These dogs keep airport runways and taxiways free of animals and birds.

Acting and Entertainment – Toto (real name Terry, the Cairn Terrier) is probably the most famous canine actor, but it’s not uncommon for these furry showbiz pets to become jut as popular as two-legged celebrities.

Pest Control Dogs – Exterminators sometimes use dogs to detect pests such as bed bugs, termites and mosquitoes. After all, the nose knows!

What other canine occupations are you familiar with?

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Gina Johnson
Gina Johnson
5 years ago

We have a chocolate lab mix who helps my husband by picking up things he has dropped when he can’t bend down to get it.

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