

How to plan a staycation that feels like a vacation

Staycations aren’t new, but this summer, many people will be spending days off at home. You can still experience the fun and thrills of a vacation by putting some thought and creativity into planning a staycation.

Here are a few ideas to make the most of getting away from it all without going anywhere.

1. Take time off from work.

2. Plan a budget for things like ordering out and splurging on luxury items to make your staycation relaxing and indulgent.

3. Hire a housecleaner so your place feels fresh and inviting before your staycation.

4. Eat off the fancy dishes.

5. Try out those new recipes you never have time for.

6. Create a playlist with your favorite tunes to kickback to.

7. Treat yourself to kicky flip-flops and comfy clothes to lounge around in.

8. Check out the sights to see in your community. You might be surprised to discover places you didn’t know about.

9. Enjoy the outdoors. Take a walk. Set up a hammock. Invest in a new patio lounger.

10. Stock up on movies, puzzles, games, and books.

Have you ever enjoyed a staycation? Share your favorite tips and suggestions!

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