

Edmund Blair Leighton's Regency Art

Do you have a favorite Regency painting? One of the most famous painters of the time was Edmund Blair Leighton, who captured much of the everyday lives of the era. This is one of his famous paintings.


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Michaelmas Day


Yesterday was Michaelmas Day, which was celebrated during Regency times. Sometimes the day was also known as “Goose Day” and it was traditional to serve goose for dinner. Michaelmas daisies bloom around this time of year and were often used to decorate for the festivities. Did you have your goose and daisies yesterday to celebrate?

Regency Makeup Sales

Although advertisements for makeup and styling products may have been quite different during the Regency compared to today, it’s a common theme to appeal to women and their appearance. Here is an example of an ad from the Regency. Would this have sold you on the popular products of the time?

Delicate Shoes in the Regency

Shoes in the Regency were made very delicately and didn’t hold up for very long. During poor weather, a little rain or mud could ruin a pair. Women especially would stick to gravel paths instead of taking the chance at ruining their shoes in the grass or mud.

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