A Code of Wonder (Audiobook)


Book 8 of the Code Breakers series.

Miss Eliza Louise Lyon comes face-to-face with deception and danger when she is kidnapped in a case of mistaken identity. Using her skills as a horsewoman, she escapes the villains by stealing a prized horse.

But she is unable to outrace the fierce snowstorm or the man in pursuit.

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Book 8 of the Code Breakers series. Narrated By Pearl Hewitt.

Miss Eliza Louise Lyon comes face-to-face with deception and danger when she is kidnapped in a case of mistaken identity. Using her skills as a horsewoman, she escapes the villains by stealing a prized horse.

But she is unable to outrace the fierce snowstorm or the man in pursuit.

Lord Nathaniel “Nash” Trentham, Earl of Wessex, chases Eliza through the snow as she makes off with his most-favored stallion. Nash must now save her, paying no mind to decorum and conventions.

Will Eliza be forced to marry the Earl and give up her passion for horses? Or will they find a compromise?

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