

A Special Touch ~ Excerpt from 'An Inner Fire'

Grayce’s morning passed quickly—a few minor behavior problems, adjustment to a new relationship, and hairballs.

Hollie appeared at her door. “Your new client’s here.” With her pierced eyebrow arched in contempt, Hollie emphasized new like it was infected.

Grayce nodded, trying to decipher Hollie’s odd behavior. Always loving with the animals, Hollie kept a safe, cool distance from two-legged clients. Hollie didn’t look cool.

Grayce scanned her schedule. “Mr. Davis with Mitzi, a standard poodle.”

Hollie returned with the new client. Grayce stared. She blinked twice. Mr. Davis was Lieutenant Davis. Bewildered to see the fire investigator in her office after last night’s nightmare, she blurted, “Has there been another fire?”

“No, I’m a patient. I mean my dog’s a patient.”

Grayce rechecked her patient list. “Mitzi?”

His face flushed when she used Mitzi’s name. Had she gotten the name wrong? She seldom did. The black poodle’s ears perked at the mention of her name.

“Yes, Mitzi.” His face remained red as he led his dog into the room. Grayce focused on the haughty poodle, limping protectively next to her owner. There was something about the spunky dog she couldn’t grasp.

Grayce couldn’t envision the lieutenant comfortable in the overstuffed chintz treatment chair. She gestured to the chair across from her desk. “Please be seated. How can I help you…and Mitzi?”

“Mitzi was injured at the fireground,” he said.

Grayce bent on one knee, not touching the stressed dog. “Mitzi, what an amazing protector.”

She never knew where the words came from when she spoke to animals, but she knew they came from a deep part of her. She offered the words while observing the effect of her voice. Mitzi outwardly appeared calm but her eyes remained alert, watchful.

Grayce gently touched Mitzi’s head, needing to comfort, connect with the injured dog. Showers of blue sparks danced in her peripheral vision like those from an overloaded circuit. The charge flowing from the dog to her hand topped any ampere scale. Lightheaded from the power surge, Grayce forced herself upright and stepped toward the old pine table that served as her desk.

Looking across the table, she saw Davis’ concern.

“I’m fine, just got up too quickly.” She knew he didn’t buy it, but she couldn’t think of anything else to say.

Read more contemporary romantic suspense: An Inner Fire

Mitzi and Jasmine: Two of a Kind

Jasmine GreyhoundKnowing what a dog lover I am, a friend recently forwarded a story to me about a rescued greyhound named Jasmine. The newspaper account related that Jasmine had been abandoned as a pup and required an extraordinary amount of kindness and patience to recover. This attention was generously provided by caretakers at a wildlife sanctuary, where Jasmine continued living.

Once she regained her health, Jasmine the greyhound began playing nursemaid to other animals brought into the Nuneaton and Warwickshire Wildlife Sanctuary. From 2003 until her death in 2011, Jasmine served as a foster mother of sorts to fox cubs, badger cubs, chicks, guinea pigs, fawns, rabbits and stray puppies.

Before I was three paragraphs into the story, I realized Jasmine and Mitzi, the French poodle in AN INNER FIRE, Book 1 of my Grayce Walters Series, were kindred souls. Mitzi is a nurturing caretaker just like Jasmine, doting and nuzzling everyone who comes into Grayce’s office.

I am often inspired by the antics, adoration and intuitive behavior of dogs, but Jasmine and Mitzi are “a breed apart.” Share your own story about an amazing dog or animal you’ve known.

Read AN INNER FIRE and get acquainted with Mitzi and the rest of the cast of characters.

Blog Tour for An Inner Fire

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Book Signing Party!

Celebrating with Friends!

Celebrating at my book release party with great women:

Cynthia Garlough, my best buddy editor and Helen Fitzpatrick, my Seattle Fire Department Expert.

An Inner Fire Book Release

The centerpiece for my Book Signing Party of “An Inner Fire”!

Funniest Video Contest - Post Your Funniest Animal Video For a Chance To WIN!

In the celebration of my book release Grayce Walters, animal acupuncturist who communicates and heals animals, please post your funniest animal videos!

I will be giving away a $25 Amazon gift card and a copy of my ebook “An Inner Fire” to our favorite video!

Here is one of mine. Who says animals don’t communicate?

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