
Regency Fashion: Hair Combs

Regency fashion continues to be a favorite topic when it comes to the era. Hair was another distinct fashion statement. Wearing combs or ribbons in the hair was quite popular, and the more extravagant the hair piece, the better husband or family the woman was assumed to have come from. #Regency #hair #fashion

Regency Cotillion

When you see Regency dances you may imagine switching partners and elaborate dance steps. Typically the dance you’re seeing is called the Cotillion, which is the French word for “petticoat.” Does anyone know how this dance got it’s name? #Regency #dance

Regency Fashion: Gloves

Men and women both wore gloves during the Regency. It was even considered far too intimate for a man to touch a woman’s hand without his gloves on. Today gloves have mostly disappeared as a fashion statement, and are mostly used to keep your hands warm! But sometimes are worn for especially elegant occasions. Have you ever had the need for a fancy pair of gloves?#Regency #fashion


Farming during the Regency Era

Farming was a big job during the Regency. However, with cities booming at the same time, it became more expensive to work as a farmer. Here is an example of how the costs of farming rose during the Regency era. Do you know anyone who farms today? #Regency #farm

Regency Hats and Bonnets

During the Regency, hats were an important accessory as not only a fashion statement, but also a pastime. Women would get together to trim and redecorate old bonnets as a social activity.

Although hats aren’t as popular now as they were then, we do still see hat styles come and go. Do you have a favorite hat trend — now or in the past? #Regency #hats


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