
Regency Lifestyle: Lighting

In the days before electricity, candles were the most popular method of lighting. Oil lamps burned longer, but smelled up the house. Unless you could afford to have a lot of candles, it was easier to gather around the fire in the evenings or go to bed with the sunset. #Regency #history

Fashionable Regency Footwear

Fashionable footwear doesn’t always have to be painful. During the Regency, flat shoes, similar to our ballet flats today, were considered quite the trend! What is your preferred footwear for glamor and comfort? #Regency #shoes

The Game of Graces

The Game of Graces was a popular Regency game played by tossing a ring back and forth with two sticks. Similar games are still played today. Have you ever played The Game of Graces? #Regency #game

Fishing during the Regency Era

Fishing for sport and fun was popular during the Regency just as it is today. And bringing home a good catch made for a nice supper as well! Do you have a favorite fish dish? #Regency #fishing

Swimming during the Regency Era

Who doesn’t love a nice swim on a hot day? During Regency times, the ocean water was considered therapeutic and it was called a “sea bath.” People would enjoy these sea baths even during the winter at the coldest times. How do you feel about the ocean? Are you a swimmer or just like to sit by the water? #Regency #swimming

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