
Have you read Mission Impossible to Resist?


⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “I love the parts in the story that show he is not infallible, that he’s a real person who can’t succeed at everything all the time. I love that Jordan is intelligent and brave and doesn’t melt into a little dependent bunny when she falls in love. Wonderful book. Five stars all the way!” — Slugpuppy3, Amazon

She’s beauty, brains, and trouble.

He’s in the wrong place at the right time.

Mission: Impossible to Resist is a standalone romance in USA Today bestselling author Jacki Delecki’s heart-racing, pulse-pounding Impossible Mission military romantic suspense series featuring Special Forces operatives and the strong women who love them. Don’t miss a single exhilarating adventure into danger and passion.

Off to the ball we go!

During the Regency Era, it was not uncommon to attend two balls per week during “the season” — a six-month period between about November and July. The aristocrats would descend upon London from their country estates in order to secure their status by working their contacts, forming allegiances, buying and selling property. These balls have one purpose- to secure marriages and unite powerful families.
There was even a tale of one Duchess who attend 68 balls excluding trips to the opera and the theater!
With the holiday season ramping up, how many parties do you attend in a week or a month?

The Cotillion

Balls and dancing are something present in many Regency books and movies. The Cotillion was one of the most popular dances they would participate in during these balls. Do you have a favorite dance you like to do at a party or wedding?

A Year Without a Summer

We love to romanticize the Regency, but they had their share of struggles during this time as well. 1816 was called “the year without a summer,” when a volcanic eruption in Indonesia caused dust to block out the sun around the world. This led to colder weather and caused many harvests to fail.

Regency Mattresses

How many mattresses do you have on your bed? If you had lived during the Regency, you might answer 3 or more! Because mattresses were so thin, it was common to pile them up to achieve more comfort.

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