A Code of Love

A Code of Love

Book 1: Code Breaker Series

Undercover spy Lord Cordelier Rathbourne never expected that his most dangerous mission would be on England’s home shores. As the new Director of Intelligence, he’s reunited him with the one woman he never stopped loving: the indomitable Lady Henrietta of the brilliant code breaking Harcourt family.

She remembers his libertine past all too well, and she’s determined not to let the infamous rake back into her life. But when Henrietta’s brother is kidnapped on a clandestine mission in Paris, she knows Cord is her best hope at saving him. If only that old passion didn’t burn so bright between them still…

In their fight to save her brother, Cord and Henrietta must unravel a deadly web of international intrigue. With deadly assassins tracking their every move, Henrietta must trust Cord with more than her carefully guarded secrets–she must give him her heart.

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What people are saying...

“…I love that Henrietta is such a bad-a** heroine. She does not cow against men, gentleman or otherwise. She stands up for what she believes in. And she has a very forward way of thinking with regard to the role and rights of women during her time. Add to these a number of interesting side characters as well as surprisingly layered villains and you’ve got the making of an engaging and well-written book.”

– Camille F., Amazon Review

“As this is my first novel by the author, I am looking forward to reading more of her books, especially more of these intelligent code breakers in the series.”

– Mary Chen, Buried Under Romance

“Jacki’s books are full of such great characters that I feel like I have many new friends. I cannot wait to hear more about their adventures.”

– Karuna D., Reader

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