

Protecting Abbie ~ Excerpt from 'A Holiday Code for Love'

Rathbourne’s steely gaze seemed to apprehend every frustrating thought whizzing through Jack’s brain. The man also had the ability to wait out any conversation, which was more than Jack could ever do. Jack was always at the ready to jump into any fray. He wasn’t sure if his impulsiveness came from spending too much time with his impetuous younger brothers or if it was a family trait. When he reflected on the escapades of his siblings, there was no doubt about it—it was a family trait.

“I know how important Abbie’s work is.” Jack admired Abbie’s ability to decipher French codes, but her work had also almost gotten her killed. And what had she said earlier about finding a connection to the French spy ring? If she had found a connection, would it put her in more danger? Jack’s heart punched against his chest in aggressive jabs.

How did a husband, a protective, overbearing person like Jack, protect his wife? Jack knew taking responsibility for his family at a young age had forced him to mature in a way that none of his peers understood. Witnessing his father’s despair after his wife’s death had made Jack leery of caring that deeply until he met Abbie. And now, if he lost her, he wasn’t sure he’d survive.

“We share something that no other peer can comprehend. Our wives, unlike all other ladies in society, are doing secret dangerous work for our country. It is not an enviable position.”

Jack guffawed. “That’s describing it mildly.”

“Learn from your mistakes. Believe me, I’ve made them. Like you, I assumed responsibility for a large estate at a young age and then I started working for Intelligence. I was used to having control, having my commands followed. I had to discover the hard way that Henrietta didn’t agree with my assumption that she should always follow my orders. In fact, she was fully capable of making decisions for herself.”

“You’d be roasted alive if any man at our clubs knew.”

“I didn’t see you as man who cared about popular opinions.”

“I don’t. It’s the danger. Abbie is oblivious to the threat.”

“Isn’t that what we want?”

“You want Abbie to not recognize the danger? I wake in a cold sweat remembering that French spy holding a knife to Abbie’s throat.”

“Our job is to protect our wives without ruffling their pride so they can use their prodigious minds to unlock codes. That is why we have so many bloody soldiers on the estate, and why they are heavily guarded when in society. It has been easier with Henrietta’s confinement, however that is soon ending.”

Rathbourne did understand. “Abbie gets mad whenever I try to warn her or instruct her. Is it the same with Hen? She was always game for adventures as a girl.”

“My wife is very good at ignoring orders she doesn’t agree with.”

Rathbourne’s revelations eased Jack’s trepidations.

“I do remind her periodically that I’m the Head of Intelligence, to no effect. Not that I want anyone to know my wife doesn’t always follow my direction. Not good for a man in my position.” Rathbourne chuckled.

“Does it get better with time?”

“Easier?” Rathbourne ran his hand through his hair, a familiar gesture signaling his frustration. “No. What I’ve accepted is that Henrietta is perfect for me. There are many men who couldn’t tolerate Henrietta’s independent mindset and capabilities. Though I can’t imagine not having an accomplished wife who challenges me.”

Keep reading: A Holiday Code for Love


Hiding secret messages in music

Do you know how to read music? If so, take a look at this and tell me if you notice anything unusual about it.

375px-B-a-c-h.svgThis is known as the BACH motif, which is an example of musical cryptography, a coded system used to create musical note sequences for names or other messages in musical compositions.

I have been intrigued by the idea of using musical scores and passages to encrypt messages for some time and thought it was a great concept for my Code Breakers Regency romantic suspense series. It provided inspiration for my current project, book 4 in the Code Breakers series, CANTATA OF LOVE.

Part of my fascination with this method of ciphering stems from my love of music. I’ve studied both voice and piano–mainly jazz– and I appreciate the mathematical complexity of music. Coding a message into a song’s musical score or the song lyrics requires a great deal of creativity and presented a tremendous challenge as I plotted the story. While researching period opera singers, such as Mrs. Elizabeth Billington, I discovered that operas were written for singers to show off their voices and allowed for improvisation. That would certainly have made it easy for musicians and performers to send coded messages to specific individuals!

Early examples of musical cryptography include Baroque composers who wove their names or the names of significant individuals into musical selections. The application found popularity with those engaging in espionage, due to the difficulty in breaking musical codes. Other examples of musical coding can be found in the songs of American slaves. Negro spirituals provided a means of communication for those who wanted to escape slavery; references to “going home” or “bound for Canaan” didn’t signify death and heaven but heading north to Canada and freedom.

In 2013, International Science Times featured a story that suggested a musical score written by composer Gottfried Federlein contained annotations that secretly documented the location of buried Nazi treasure.

One online website reports a number of “creepy spy radio transmissions” that feature suspected musical clues and/or codes broadcast over shortwave radios. This practice began around the time of WWI and continues today.

A special thank you to my friend and music composer Greg Bartholomew, who shared his expertise with me on this topic. Here is one of his compositions, Baby Blue Roses. When Daisies Pied is an example of a piece of music ladies would have sung during the Regency period.

Are there any songs you believe contain a hidden message?

JackiDelecki_ACantataofLove_HR[1]A Cantata of Love, Book 4 in The Code Breakers Regency Romantic Suspense series, releases June 28th. You can pre-order on iBooks.

Napoleonic France is no place for an Englishman, especially Michael Harcourt, the Earl of Kendal, who is on a clandestine assignment for the Crown. Already injured and facing imminent discovery by Napoleon and Fouche’s men, Michael finds his escape made even more perilous when he is charged with the safety of a young boy who must be spirited out of Paris.

Desperate to escape the terrible fate that awaits her if she remains in France, Lady Gabrielle De Valmont must disguise herself as a boy and rely on the cunning of a virtual stranger—an Englishman, no less—to smuggle her out of the country. When the Earl’s injury becomes severely infected, rendering him gravely ill, Gabrielle realizes it is now up to her to save them both.

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A CANTATA OF LOVE, Book 4 in the Code Breakers series, is now available for pre-order exclusively on iBooks. Order your copy today to be among the first to start reading the next adventure in this Regency romantic suspense series.


Napoleonic France is no place for an Englishman, especially Michael Harcourt, the Earl of Kendal, who is on a clandestine assignment for the Crown. Already injured and facing imminent discovery by Napoleon and Fouche’s men, Michael finds his escape made even more perilous when he is charged with the safety of a young boy who must be spirited out of Paris.

Desperate to escape the terrible fate that awaits her if she remains in France, Lady Gabrielle De Valmont must disguise herself as a boy and rely on the cunning of a virtual stranger—an Englishman, no less—to smuggle her out of the country. When the Earl’s injury becomes severely infected, rendering him gravely ill, Gabrielle realizes it is now up to her to save them both.

Look for more heart-pounding adventure, international intrigue, and sizzling romance with the release of Book Four in The Code Breaker Series, A Cantata of Love on December 15, 2015.

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