Fun facts about St. Patrick's Day

nyc-st-patricks-day-parade_HD__008385_still_624x352Saint Patrick’s Day is one of those holidays where everyone is an honorary Irishman (or Irishwoman). You might be interested to learn a few fun facts about this international celebration and its namesake.

  • Saint Patrick’s color is actually a light blue. The green now associated with the holiday came about after the Irish movement for independence in the late 1800s.
  • Saint Patrick was British, not Irish. He came to Ireland in the year 432 to introduce Christianity. And his birth name was Maewyn Sucatt; he changed it to Patricius after entering the priesthood.
  • The NYC Saint Patrick’s Day parade is one of the world’s largest, with more than 250,000 marchers. No floats or cars are allowed in the parade.
  • The phrase “Erin go Bragh” is a derivative of Irish Éirinn go Brách, which translates to “Ireland Forever.”

Happy St. Paddy’s Day to One and All!

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